E-Infrastructures for Big Data:
Opportunities and Challenges

The management of extremely large and growing volumes of
data has since many years been a challenge for the large scientific
facilities located in Europe such as CERN or ESA,
without clear long term solutions. The problem will become
even more acute as new ESFRI facilities come on-stream in
the near future. The advent of “big data science”, however, is
not limited to large facilities or to some fields of science. Big
data science emerges as a new paradigm for scientific discovery
that reflects the increasing value of observational,
experimental and computer-generated data in virtually all
domains, from physics to the humanities and social sciences.
The volume of information produced by the “data factories”
is a problem for sustainable access and preservation, but it is
not the only problem. Diversity of data, formats, metadata,
semantics, access rights and associated computing and software
tools for simulation and visualization add to the complexity
and scale of the challenge.
Big Data and e-Science: challenges and opportunities
ICT empowers science by making possible massive interdisciplinary
collaboration between people and computers, on a
global scale. The capacity and know-how to compute and ....."