Literature Review on Employability, Inclusion and ICT, Report 2: ICT and Employability

  • Authors: Maria de Hoyos, Anne E. Green, Sally-Anne Barnes, Heike Behle, Beate Baldauf and David Owen


IPTS has launched a project on how ICT can support employability, in the context of its policy support activities for the implementation of the Europe 2020 strategy, and the Digital Agenda for Europe. As a first step, JRC-IPTS contracted the Institute of Employment Research, University of Warwick, UK to prepare: a) a review of the literature on employability, its dimensions and the factors which affect it in general and for groups at risk of exclusion, namely migrants, youth and older workers; and b) a report on how ICT contribute to employability, support the reduction of barriers and create pathways to employment for all, including the three specific groups at risk of exclusion. This report presents the findings of the second part of the research.