


Have you wondered why politicians aren't what they used to be, why governments seem unable to solve real problems? Economist Yanis Varoufakis, the former Minister of Finance for Greece, says that it's because you can be in politics today but not be in power — because real power now belongs to those who control the economy. He believes that the mega-rich and corporations are cannibalizing the political sphere, causing financial crisis. In this talk, hear his dream for a world in which capital and labor no longer struggle against each other, "one that is simultaneously libertarian, Marxist and Keynesian."

cf allso these documents to create links

A) Concerning Dirk Helbing’s ideas

Est-il possible de s’approprier le futur en le vivant… démocratiquement ? « How to survive the digital revolution ? » Dirk Helbing

Et son dernier bouquin

A future publication ==> The Automatisation of Society is NEXT - How to survive the digital revolution by Dirk Helbing

B) de Jaron Lanier

Who owns the Future ? by Jaron Lanier

C) de Ivan Illitch

La convivialité de Ivan Illich (1973)

D) de Robert Tainter

The Collapse of Complex Societies - JOSEPH A. TAINTER

E) de Thierry Gaudin

2100 récit du prochain siècle (" 2100 l'odyssée de l'espèce") sous la direction de Thierry Gaudin (Payot - 1990)

F) de Daniel Cohen

Le monde est clos et le désir infini de Daniel Cohen

G) some other video including Yanis Varoufakis

Yanis Varoufakis

thoughts for the post-2008 world


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DiEM and the road ahead for Europe’s progressive politics – live conversation with Marisa Matias et al

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Before the Launch -DiEM in the making

Screen Shot 2016-02-06 at 21.55.11.pngFew days, indeed hours, before DiEM’s 9th February Berlin launch, is slowly getting off the ground. For the time being, it offers readers the opportunity to join the movement and to read the Manifesto in English – and soon in many more languages. (For convenience, and for now, click here for the English version and here for the Greek.)

DiEM LOGO2 White BackgroundAlso, readers can have a sneak preview of the themes and participants of the debates that will precede the evening launch by clicking here

And do not forget that the Main Event, at 20.30 Central European Time, will be live streamed here (

Posted in DiEM | 3 Comments

The crucial Third Option: DiEM’s raison d’ etre – Op-ed in The Guardian

Screen Shot 2016-01-29 at 11.17.30Screen Shot 2016-02-05 at 10.12.05.pngClick here for the Guardian site. Or… Continue reading

Posted in DiEM, European Crisis, Post-MinFin missives | 4 Comments

The Origins of the European & Global Economic Crisis – on acTVism Munich

Posted in European Crisis, Politics and Economics, Post-MinFin missives, The Global Minotaur: A theory of the Global Crisis | 2 Comments

Do they really want your money back? op-ed in Bild Zeitung

Posted in Greek Crisis, Politics and Economics, Post-MinFin missives | 9 Comments

Se respiran aires del DiEM25: algunas claves sobre el movimiento

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Ya se pueden respirar aires del DiEM25. Nuestra página web ( ya ha hecho su primera aparición, y nuestras cuentas en Facebook ( y en Twitter ( ya se encuentran activas.

El manifiesto del DiEM será publicado en los próximos días, y nuestra presencia online estará a punto para la fecha de nuestro lanzamiento, el próximo 9 de febrero. Mientras nos acercamos a la noche del evento fundacional en el teatro Volksbühne de Berlín, ofrecemos a continuación algunas respuestas a preguntas que nos han estado formulado de toda Europa. Continue reading

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A tu per tu con Varoufakis, senza peli sulla lingua (sull’Europa e non solo) -Marcello Foa, Il Giornale

Origina source:

varou 2Visto da vicino, Yanis Varoufakis convince. Ho avuto il privilegio di intervistarlo pubblicamente a Lugano e poi di trascorrere alcune ore assieme a lui. E mi ha fatto un’eccellente impressione. Mi verrebbe dire che è un greco tutto d’un pezzo, uno spirito libero, capace di rompere gli schemi e di andare oltre le barriere ideologiche. Varoufakis ha presieduto il ministero delle Finanze di Atene per cinque mesi, durante i quali ha lasciato il segno. Continue reading

Posted in DiEM, European Crisis, Greek Crisis, Politics and Economics, Post-MinFin missives | Leave a comment

DiEM25 is in the air – a preliminary Q&A

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DiEM25 is, indeed, in the air. Our website ( has made its first appearance on the airwaves, as have our Facebook and Twitter (@diem_25) pages.

DiEM’s Manifesto will appear in the next few days and our webpages will ‘mature’ into a fully fledged website by our launch date – the 9th of February. While waiting for the Volksbuehne Theatre event of that night, here is a brief Q&A, answering some of the questions we have been receiving from all over Europe.  Continue reading

Posted in DiEM, Post-MinFin missives | 1 Comment

Why a pan-European democracy movement? Interviewed by Nick Buxton

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Yanis Varoufakis speaks to Nick Buxton, and Red Pepper, about why a pan-European movement for democracy is necessary

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Posted in DiEM | 4 Comments

Are we heading for a crash? The Guardian

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Screen Shot 2016-01-29 at 11.17.38Click here for The Guardian site or if you want to read the longer version of my entry… Continue reading

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How the ‘Troika Effect’ was dubbed the ‘Varoufakis Effect’ – Project Syndicate Op-Ed and beyond

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As part of an impressive campaign to discredit the Athens Spring, and those of us who continue to honour and propagate its spirit, a cabal of journalists and ‘analysts’ have joined forces to depict me as the “destroyer of the Greek economy.” The purpose? To demonise the Greek people’s audacity to elect us with a mandate to oppose the Troika in the Spring and early summer of 2015, when they backed our stance with that magnificent 62% NO vote.

Their hideous campaign was summed up recently in the so called ‘Varoufakis Effect’ argument, by Berenberg’s Chief Economist, a Mr Schmieding. Using a chart that ‘shows’ business confidence to have collapsed during the days of my tenure in the ministry of finance (first half of 2015), he pinned on me Greece’s woes. Naturally, the troika’s Greek cheerleaders, with newspaper TO VIMA at the forefront, grabbed the opportunity to jeer and snarl. Except that they were caught with the smoking gun in their hands… Continue reading

Posted in Democratise the Euro!, European Crisis, Greek Crisis, Politics and Economics, Post-MinFin missives | Leave a comment

Capitalism vs Democracy vs Capitalism: My TED Global Talk

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Posted in Politics and Economics, Post-MinFin missives | 2 Comments

How Do the Economic Elites Get the Idea That They ‘Deserve’ More?

Screen Shot 2016-01-26 at 09.36.02Evonomics (The next evolution in economics) is a new site trying valiantly to infuse economics debates with relevance, sense and sensibility. Here they retrieved a paper that I published, together with Shaun Hargreaves-Heap, in The Economic Journal. Below you will find my summary of findings from a fascinating and intriguing laboratory experiment that has many implications for the distribution of social power and the beliefs that support it. For the Evonomics site click here or…

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On Podemos, Greece and DiEM – Interview in El Mundo

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For the El Mundo site (in Spanish), click here. To read my original English language responses… Continue reading

Posted in Democratise the Euro!, European Crisis, Greek Crisis, Post-MinFin missives | 1 Comment

On the need to democratise Europe – Real News Network

Posted in Democratise the Euro!, European Crisis, Politics and Economics, Post-MinFin missives | 1 Comment

In conversation with Gerardo Pisarello on democracy, Europe and municipalism

Gerardo Pisarello, Barcelona’s First Deputy Mayor, posing crucial questions on the state of capitalism, whether democracy has room to breathe nowadays, the need for a pan-European movement, the place of City Halls and municipalism in such a movement…


Posted in Democratise the Euro!, European Crisis, Politics and Economics, Post-MinFin missives | Leave a comment

Our movement to democratise Europe & developments in Latin America and China – Interview with Brazil’s GLOBO TV

Screen Shot 2016-01-19 at 05.37.59Recently I was interviewed by Brazil’s Globo TV. The extensive interview covered a large number of issues – from the European crisis and our fledgling movement to democratise the European Union (to be launched on 9th February in Berlin – WATCH THIS SPACE!), to the Middle East, the global economy, Brazil, the rest of Latin America and its economic reliance on a slowing China. The English language transcript follows: Continue reading

Posted in Ελληνικά | 3 Comments

The Labour Party’s 2016 NEW ECONOMICS lecture series: Mazzucato, Stiglitz, Varoufakis, Ha-Joon Chang et al

The UK’s Shadow Chancellor, John McDonnell, is convening a series of public lectures to broaden the debate around economics in Britain.


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Posted in Banking Crisis, European Crisis, Politics and Economics, Post-MinFin missives | 1 Comment

DiEM and the movements – Reply to Open Letter by John Malamatinas


The news is out: DiEM25 (Democracy in Europe – Movement) will be launched in Berlin on 9th February, at the Volksbuehne Theatre in Berlin (pictured above). Before the official announcement and the manifesto saw the light of day, DiEM25 has attracted attention all over Europe. A few days ago, John Malamatinas, wrote an open letter addressed to me regarding DiEM25 in Neues Deutschland. Click here for the original German version and here for an English translation. For my reply to John’s open letter… Continue reading

Posted in Democratise the Euro!, European Crisis, Politics and Economics, Post-MinFin missives | 1 Comment

Europe under construction: Tonight in Munich, with Christian Ude