est la section Suisse de l'Open Knowledge Foundation.

Le 14 juin, tient sa conférence annuelle à Lausanne

Tickets are available on Eventbrite Eventbrite - Conference

image is Switzerland’s leading event convened around the issues of Open Data. This year will see a more diverse, dynamic, brighter and better Open Data Conference than ever before. Join us on June 14 at the Casino de Montbenon (Allée Ernest-Ansermet 3) in Lausanne to shape the national conversation among business executives, politicians, public officals, researchers and open data enthusiasts from all over Switzerland through a program that includes (among others):

Morning Program, moderated by Hannes Gassert (Salle Paderewski)

9:00 Café & Croissants (Foyer)

09:30am: Welcoming Speech by Nuria Gorrite (fr)image
Nuria Gorrite, Conseillère d’Etat (VD, parti socialiste), précédemment syndique de Morges. Responsable du Département des infrastructures et des ressources humaines (services: mobilité et routes, accueil de jour des enfants, systèmes d’information, personnel de l’Etat, développement durable, information sur le territoire, opérations foncières).

csm_Golliez-620x413_6f776eb1bd09:40am: Keynote by Marcel Salathé (en)
«Data of the people, by the people, for the people»
Marcel Salathé is Associate Professor at EPFL in the Schools of Life Sciences and Computer & Communication Sciences. After a PhD at ETH Zürich, he went to Stanford University as a Branco Weiss Fellow. There, he contributed to the emerging field of “Digital Epidemiology”, and in 2010 became Assistant Professor at Penn State University. His work leverages novel digital data streams by analyzing big data sets from online sources through machine learning.

Denis Gursky10:00am: Keynote by Denis Gursky (en)
«Promoting Open Data in Ukraine for socially meaningful IT-projects»
CEO and Founder of Socialboost – a tech NGO that promotes innovative instruments in order to improve civic engagement and make government more digitalized — thus accountable, transparent and open.

Anja Wyden Guelpa10:20am: Keynote by Anja Wyden Guelpa (fr)
«Open source – un chemin vers la transparence et la confiance en matière de vote électronique ?»
Anja Wyden Guelpa a été la première femme élue chancelière d’Etat à Genève en 2009 et réélue en 2013 pour un deuxième mandat.
Elle préside la collège des secrétaires généraux des départements de l’Etat de GE et est membre du conseil d’administration de Suisse Tourisme et du conseil régional de la RTSR.

Jean Luc-Cochard10:40am: Keynote by Jean-Luc Cochard (fr)
« ! Et après ?»
Cochard est le Chef Unité des techniques de l’information au Département fédéral de l’intérieur DFI aux Archives fédérales suisses AFS

11:00 Networking Break (Foyer)

Simon Chignard11:20am: Keynote by Simon Chignard (fr)
«5 ans d’open data: qu’avons-nous appris?»
Simon Chignard est Data Editor au sein de la mission Etalab, le service du Premier ministre français en charge de l’ouverture des données publiques ( Avant de rejoindre Etalab, il a accompagné depuis 2011 des acteurs publics (collectivités) et privés, en France et en Suisse, dans la valorisation de leurs données. Il est l’auteur de deux ouvrages: «Open Data» (Fyp Editions 2012) et «Datanomics» (avec Louis-David Benyayer, Fyp Editions 2015) et tient le blog

Guillaume Leborgne11:40am: Keynote by Guillaume Leborgne (fr)
«SNCF, la politique ouverture des données d’une grande entreprise publique»
Guillaume LEBORGNE, Directeur du programme transparence et de l’open data SNCF. Il travaille depuis 2014 à l’ouverture et à la diffusion des données de SNCF (chemins de fer français) dans une volonté de transparence. En deux ans, il a fait passer l’Open data SNCF de 18 à 82 jeux de données ouverts. Ce diplômé de Sciences-po Lille et du Celsa a auparavant passé une importante partie de sa carrière dans la presse. Comme rédacteur en chef de Ville Rail et Transports, il a notamment été à l’origine de la création du Palmarès des Régions, qui compare tous les ans les données ferroviaires des Régions Françaises.

Joshua Goldstein12:00am: Keynote by Joshua Goldstein (en)
«What does a Department of Better Technology do?»
CEO of the Department of Better Technology (DOBT)
Goldstein is CEO of the Department of Better Technology (DOBT), a software company that helps governments deliver digital services to the people that depend on them. In the United States, DOBT serves federal agencies (USAID, State Department), states (California Department of Justice) and cities (Philadelphia, San Francisco). In Europe, DOBT is proud to partner with Liip to serve the Swiss Government. In his spare time, Josh is completing a PhD at Princeton University where he is affiliated Center for Information Technology Policy.

12:20am: Introducing the afternoon workshops

Lunch Break, Foyer

12:30pm: Lunch 

12:45pm: Data Quality Assessment and Improvements in Open Data Portals and open data sets (en)
ADEQUATe Workshop with Johann Höchtl, Martin Kaltenböck & Jürgen Umbrich
Salon Bleu

13:00pm: General Assembly of (fr/de)
Members only. Possibility to join the association directly on the spot.
Salle Paderewski

13:15pm: «Découvrir, exploiter et partager les géodonnées en open data» (fr)
Workshop de Fabio Oliosi, Esri Suisse SA
Salle des fêtes

Parallel Afternoon-Workshops

The afternoon program of the Conference is composed of three parallel tracks, each being dedicated to a specific subject and containing 4 workshops:
Open Government Data (.GOV), Open Research/Science/Education Data (.EDU) and Open Data & Business Models (.COM).

02:00pm .EDU Track (Salon bleu)
Moderation by Isabelle Kratz, Head of EPFL library
02:00pm Celina Ramjoué: Open data and open science – the European perspective (en)
02:30pm Marta Teperek: Open Research at Cambridge – the whys and hows (en)
03:00pm Giovanni Pizzi: Discovering novel materials and sharing materials data – Benefits and challenges (en) 
03:30pm Lawrence Rajendran: ScienceMatters – Single Observation publishing in Science.

02:00pm .GOV Track (Salle Paderewski)
Moderation by Jean-Luc Cochard, Head of Information Technology Unit at Swiss Federal Archives
02:00pm Patrick Genoud & Pascal Oehrli: Genève sur le chemin de l’Open Data (fr)
02:30pm Marco Sieber: More Efficiency thanks to Open Data? Field report from Zurich (en)
03:00pm Pierre Dumas & Stefan Oderbolz:, L’accès aux données ouvertes Suisses (fr)
03:30pm Beat Estermann: Towards a National Data Infrastructure – First Insights Regarding Its Design and Its Governance (en)

02:00pm .COM Track (Salle des Fêtes)
Moderated by Hannes Gassert, board member of
02:00pm Andreas Amsler, Liip: Open APIs for fun and profit (en)
02:30pm Vlad Trifa, leader of the Swisscom Digital Lab at EPFL (en)
Mathias Wellig, CEO of Ubique (developers of the “Viadi” App) (en)
03:30pm Lydia Pintscher: Project Lead WikiData (en)

Closing Speech & Apéro

04:15pm Thomas Landolt, General Manager of IBM Switzerland (Salle Paderewski)
Closing Keynote “Cognitive Computing with Open Data: this is Common Sense”

04:45pm Q & A (Salle Paderewski)

05:00pm Apéro (Foyer)

Unconference in the Brasserie de Montbenon

In parallel to the Conference we will run a participant-driven (BarCamp style) unconference track. Please suggest ideas for brief (~15 min) talks and meetup topics. These will be posted on a website, crowd-ranked, scheduled and announced on the morning of the conference.
In order to participate, please fill out the following form: Unconference
The Unconference will take place in the Brasserie de Montbenon, from 09:00 – 11:30 and 14:30 – 18:00.

We thank our partner EPFL and our sponsors Liip,, Hasler Stiftung, esri Suisse, Begasoft, Schweizer Informatik and Mediaktion for their tremendous support in realizing the conference.


P.S. Please note that the keynotes will be held in french and english language.



In parallel to the Conference on Tuesday, June 14th, 2016 at Casino de Montbenon in Lausanne, we will run a participant-driven (BarCamp style) unconference track.

Please suggest ideas for brief (~15 min) talks and meetup topics. These will be posted on a website, crowd-ranked, scheduled and announced on the morning of the conference.

In order to participate, please fill out the following form: Unconference
We’re much looking forward to hearing form you and seeing you in Lausanne!