The conference program is ready now but it may be subject to changes.

See here the   Conference Timetable
See here the   Conference Programme



IFIP TC 3 – Open Conference on Computers in Education


Conference Fees

  Fee (EUR)
Participants regular 490,00
Participants early bird * 390,00
IFIP TC3 WG and OCG members (early bird) ** 320,00
Austrian teachers with ph-online registration ***       0,00
Student delegates **** 190,00
Doctoral Consortium 50,00
One day registration 50,00

The Conference fee includes participation in the conference, workshops, coffee breaks, lunches, welcome reception and a ticket for a social event (thematic guided tour).

to registration site

Please note:

*       Early fees apply until 15 May 2018.
**     Member fee applies for members of OCG or affiliated organizations
or members of IFIP TC3 Working Groups (early bird only)
***   For Austrian teachers additional registration at ph-online is a prerequisite.
***   For students: International Student ID Card required at conference site.

Financial support
IFIP TC3 offers financial support for delegates from developing countries.
Please contact the chair of TC3, Mr. Sindre Rosvig (, to receive information about financial support.


Hosting Institution

Austrian Computer Society OCG



Austrian Computer Society (OCG)  Wollzeile 1, 1010 Vienna, Austria
Tel:     0043 1 5120235 – 0   Mail:   Web: