IFIP Insights
News from IFIP members, Technical Committees and the ICT sector around the world
Thursday, Feb. 28, 2019 - Archives - -
IFIP and its professional practice arm, IP3, will contribute to international thinking on critical issues relating to Artificial Intelligence and Society when the WSIS (World Summit on the Informatio…
The third annual Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Good Global Summit (AIGGS), will take place from 28 to 31 May 2019 at the International Conference Centre Geneva (CICG) in Geneva, Switzerland. Origi…
To be held on June the 4th, 2019 in Paris, this workshop on Computer Science Education is a follow-up of previous explorations in the French community (Orphée RDV, EIAH 2017, RJC-EIAH 2018). For the …
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The Design, Automation and Test in Europe conference is an international venue for system-level hardware and software implementation down to integrated circuit design. Scheduled keynote speakers are …
The ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction attracts researchers from around the world to present and exchange ideas about the latest theories, technology, data, and videos furth…
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“Human Factors of Contemporary Cyber Security Issues” was the focus of a Master Class held in Sofia Bulgaria earlier this month, under the auspices of IFIP TC13 (Human-Machine Interactions HMI). Held…
The 2019 ACM Europe Summer School on HPC Computer Architectures for AI and Dedicated Applications will take place in Barcelona 17-24 July and will be hosted by the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BS…
Georgia Koutrika is a Research Director at the ATHENA Research Center in Greece. Prior to that, she was a Senior Research Scientist at HP Labs in Palo Alto. She has also worked at IBM Research-Almade…
The ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval provides a forum for the dissemination and discussion of research on the user-centered aspects of information interaction and i…
Recent years have seen an unprecedented recognition of the rising tide of ocean plastic pollution. But it has become clear that despite significant levels of dedication, innovation and investment, cl…
Air pollution is the sixth-biggest killer worldwide—more than alcohol use, kidney failure or too much salt. The cause, as we all know, is the burning of fossil fuels, which generates soot and other a…
Early every morning on school holidays and weekends, Eric Ndung'u heads off to herd his family's goats in the plains of Kisaju, south of Nairobi. While herding, Ndung'u hunts birds using a slingshot.…
Recently, the news about our planet's health hasn't been great. Studies have pointed out that we may be headed toward a "hothouse" Earth scenario — a catastrophic tipping point that could cause seas …