




IFIP TC3 holds its first-ever webinar!


IFIP Technical Committee 3 (TC3) agreed in its Annual General Meeting in April 2019, held in Zanzibar, Tanzania, to initiate a declaration on ‘Sustainable Education in a Digital Age of rapidly Emerging Technologies’. This ‘Zanzibar Declaration’ (ZD) focuses on future educational challenges that arise from rapidly emerging technologies impacting societies and communities (background details are shown on the website).


In taking forward the Zanzibar Declaration, IFIP TC3 is running four webinars on more specific topics that will provide a deeper understanding of the challenges and issues that practitioners, policy makers and researchers face in developing ‘Sustainable Education in a Digital Age of rapidly Emerging Technologies’, and will lead to a follow-on conference.


Webinar 1, on the topic “Social Impacts of Big Data Analysis and Machine Learning – Educational Implications”, was attended by over 60 participants. Two co-moderators (Johannes Magenheim and Mary Webb) introduced and took comments arising from presentations of the 5 panellists (from Australia, France, India, and Turkey) – Radhika Misquitta, Gateway School of Mumbai, India; Anne Laurent, University of Montpellier, France; Gurumurthy Kasinathan, Director of IT for Change, India; Gülgün Kayakutlu, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey; and Andrew Fluck, University of Tasmania, Australia. The panellists discussed the topic from different perspectives, and from their respective cultural and working contexts.


Radhika Misquitta


Webinar 1 was recorded, and can be viewed online.


The next event in the series, Webinar 2, explores “Impact of Computer Networks and Communication on the Economic and Ecological Transformations of Society - Educational Implications”. This will run on 26th April 2021, 14:00-15:30 GMT. For further details and registration, please visit the website.


Also, please do contribute to the Zanzibar Declaration, and to the discussion on the impact of emerging and developing technologies on education and society by entering short contributions in the Zanzibar Declaration matrix.

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[pdf-embedder url="–-Educational-Implications.pdf" title="8.03.2021-Webinar 1- Social Impacts of Big Data Analysis and Machine Learning – Educational Implications"]