
Intentions of this webinar

This webinar is the second in a series of events that will explore future educational challenges that arise from rapidly emerging technologies impacting societies and communities.

In this webinar, researchers, practitioners, and decision-makers will have their say through a panel discussion and online comment, exchanging experiences and views on respective thematic areas. All participants will have the opportunity to join the discussion via moderated chat and Twitter during the webinar, or comment on issues discussed in a forum afterwards.

The webinar will run for 90 minutes. The webinar will involve a panel of experts, who will be asked to talk for 5-10 minutes.


The webinar will be supported by a moderator of the panel, and a co-moderator (to summarise and discuss questions or contributions through tweets and chats received during the webinar). You will be able to express your experiences and challenges, related to this theme.

You will be encouraged to outline your context, the kind of activities in which you are involved, and the problems you face. The platform BBB or will be used for synchronous sessions during the webinar.

The event is free – there is no registration fee.

However, please note that due to likely high interest in this event, online participation will be restricted to the first 100 registered participants.

If you do not manage to register in the first 100, you will still have access to the recording, and will still be able to submit your comments and short contributions.