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Archives of the COM ICT (2002-2011)

Since 2002 till 2011 was the COM ICT (Commission ICT) of the SATW very active on the ICT domain, namely for e-education , e-health and e-society .==>

In mid-2011, with the "SATW Moderniesirung" all the commissions were replaced by Themenplatformen (TPF). the work of COM ICT is carried on with TPF e-switzerland

To recover the enormous work done during a decade by enthousiatic volunteers you can click on the folowing links :

Activities 2002-2011

SATW Commission ICT - Working group e-Education

SATW Commission ICT - Working group e-Health

SATW Commission ICT - Working group e-Society


Documents & References for the COM ICT

Jahresberichte - Rapports annuels - Annual Reports


Last updated 3351 days ago by Raymond Morel