Results for "Creative-Commons"

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Comment fonctionne Google ? Quelles traces laissons-nous sur le Web ? 2 séquences pédagogiques pour réfléchir et agir

Apprendre 2.0 : " Gaëlle Sogliuzzo, professeur-documentaliste en lycée à la Cité Scolaire Beaumont (Redon, 35) a conçu un portfolio tr&egra...

3891 days ago

Learning & Skills The use and potential of ICT for learning, education and training DG EAC Lifelong Learning policies aim to harness the power of ICT t...

3930 days ago

Learning & Skills - The use and potential of ICT for learning, education and training -JRC

Learning & Skills The use and potential of ICT for learning, education and training DG EAC Lifelong Learning policies aim to harness the power of ICT to d...

3930 days ago

Declaration of Principles Building the Information Society: a global challenge in the new Millennium

    Document WSIS-03/GENEVA/DOC/4-E 12 December 2003 Original: English Declaration of Principles Building the Inform...

3933 days ago

South Korea Sees Creativity as Key to Growth

7th of October 2013 The South Korean government unveiled this week a set of long-term plans to foster creative talent, which the government considers one of the most impo...

3945 days ago

Digital Games for Empowerment & Inclusion (DGEI) - JRC

" The Digital Agenda for Europe aims at the overall objective of having everyone connected and empowered, which poses special challenges towards disadvantaged parts of th...

4101 days ago

Learning & Skills - The use and potential of ICT for learning, education and training -JRC

" DG EAC Lifelong Learning policies aim to harness the power of ICT to develop innovative education and training practices, improve access to lifelong learning and deal...

4101 days ago


" 'Globalization' is a favourite catchphrase of journalists and politicians. It has also become a key idea for business theory and practice, and entered academic debate...

4141 days ago

Enseigner l'identité numérique - France (portail national éduscol : l'actualité numérique)

" De nombreux travaux ont été publiés en ligne sur la problématique de l'identité numérique. Infobourg, site web d’informati...

4183 days ago

Documents & References for the COM ICT | domain e- EDUCATION (2002-2011)

  The Horizon Report 2011 version Assessing the effects of ICT in education Indicator...

2974 days ago