Results for "data"

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The dark side of data (11 talks) (TED)

3887 days ago

The dark side of data (11 talks) (TED)


3887 days ago

The dark side of data (11 talks) (TED)

  Now playing: 1. Malte Spitz: Your phone company is watching What kind of data is your cell phone company collecting? Malte Spitz wasn’t too worried when he asked...

3887 days ago

...on and ICT, Report 2: ICT and Employability Authors: Maria de Hoyos, Anne E. Green, Sally-Anne Barnes, Heike Behle, Beate Baldauf and David Owenble data sets on employability and ICT

Abstract IPTS has launched a project on how ICT can support employability, in the context of its policy support activities for the implementation of the Europe 2020...

3587 days ago

...on and ICT, Report 2: ICT and Employability Authors: Maria de Hoyos, Anne E. Green, Sally-Anne Barnes, Heike Behle, Beate Baldauf and David Owenble data sets on employability and ICT

  Abstract IPTS has launched a project on how ICT can support employability, in the context of its policy support activities for the implementation o...

3905 days ago

ICT4EMPL: Literature Review on Employability, Inclusion and ICT Report 4: Review of available data sets on employability and ICT which is available from quantitative survey data sources. The list is not comprehensive. It is mainly based upon the data sources cited in Reports 1 an...r with links to documentation and downloadable data. The key socio-economic and d...

3905 days ago

ICT4EMPL: Literature Review on Employability, Inclusion and ICT Report 4: Review of available data sets on employability and ICT which is available from quantitative survey data sources. The list is not comprehensive. It is mainly based upon the data sources cited in Reports 1 an...r with links to documentation and downloadable data. The key socio-economic and d...

3905 days ago

CT4EMPL: Literature Review on Employability, Inclusion and ICT Report 3: prepared by University of Warwick Institute for Employment Research

...ople, older people and migrants (de Hoyos et al., 2012**).- A review of data sets (Owen et al., 2012***).T...the end of the document) can be used to add further initiatives to the data base....

3905 days ago

ICT4EMPL: Literature Review on Employability, Inclusion and ICT Report 3: prepared by University of Warwick Institute for Employment Research

...ople, older people and migrants (de Hoyos et al., 2012**).- A review of data sets (Owen et al., 2012***).T...the end of the document) can be used to add further initiatives to the data base....

3905 days ago

the European Commission’s FP7-funded project CROSSOVER

...t enable better, timely and more participativedecision-making in government. It includes technologies andmethodologies in the areas of open and big data, visual analytics,modelling a...

3906 days ago