Results for "the teacher and the school of the future - April 1-4"

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Learning & Skills 1414="searchMatch searchMatchColor1">1414="searchMatch searchMatchColor4">1414="searchMatch searchMatchColor6">The use 1414="searchMatch searchMatchColor3">and potential of ICT for learning, education 1414="searchMatch searchMatchColor3">and training DG EAC Lifelong L...rning policies aim to harness 1414="searchMatch searchMatchColor1">1414="searchMatch searchMatchColor4">1414="searchMatch searchMatchColor6">the power of ICT to develop innovative education 1414="searchMatch searchMatchColor3">and training practices, improve acces...earning 2.0 (here) 1414="searchMatch searchMatchColor3">and one on 1414="searchMatch searchMatchColor1">1414="searchMatch searchMatchColor4">1414="searchMatch searchMatchColor6">the...

3906 days ago

Learning & Skills - 141">144">146">The use 143">and potential of ICT for learning, education 143">and training -JRC

Learning & Skills The use and potential of ICT for learning, education and training DG EAC Lifelong Le...rning policies aim to harness the power of ICT to develop innovative education and training practices, improve acces...sentation on "Creativity in sch...

3906 days ago


Computers and Education – a landscape Deryn Watson Emeritus Professor of Information Technologies and Education Department of Education and Professional Studies King’s College London London SE1 9NN, UK

Abstract This history of Technical Committee 3 is an exploration of the shiftinglandscape of the relationship between computers and education. Analysis focuses o...istics of context, structure, themes and society, and uses four time periods toframe th...Aiken, Robert Interview (6th Apr...

1628 days ago


iFIP-WG-3.1and3.5workshop-Exploring Evaluation - the learner, the teacher and the school of the future - April 1-4, 1998, Santa Margherita-Genova-Italy


Tags: iFIP-WG-3.1and3.5workshop-Exploring Evaluation - the learner, the teacher and the school of the future - April 1-4, 1998, Santa Margherita-Genova-Italy teaching learning digital-pedagogy curriculum ICT TICE school-ofthe-future evaluation

2271 days ago