Results for "public sphere."


Capitalism will eat democracy — unless we speak up by Yanis Varoufakis during TEDGlobal>Geneva · 19:51 · Filmed Dec 2015 Et son dernier bouquin A future publication ==> The Automatisatio.... El manifiesto del DiEM será publicado en los próximos d&i...McDonnell, is convening a series of public...

3129 days ago

Andrew FEENBERG Vers une théorie critique de l’Internet

Référence électroniqueAndrew FEENBERG, « Vers une thé...vidéo, les musiciens et bien d’autres publics ont émergé sur...he potential the Internetaffords for restoring the public...

3570 days ago

Julien Rueff Penser le web politique avec Jacques Rancière

...les théories de « l’espace public », assimilant lapartici...ncière, participation politique, espacepublic.Abstract : This article analy...cière, political participation, public sphere.Penser le web politique avec J...

3570 days ago

D1gital Territ0ries Towards the protection of public and private space in a digital and Ambient Intelligence environment Executive Summary Barbara Daskala and Ioannis Maghiros - JRC

" It seems that a whole new world is out there, a virtual or a ‘ highly dynamic, a balance between publicand private has to be reached....;s understanding ofwhat is private or public space or what is socially acc...lexibly the borders between private / public...

4138 days ago

D1gital Territ0ries Towards the protection of public and private space in a digital and Ambient Intelligence environment Authors: Barbara Daskala and Ioannis Maghiros - JRC

" Technology influences positively the way we live, work and enjoy oursel...onsideringthe concepts of private and public space on the one hand and phy...ic view on the blurring boundaries of public and private digital space, an.......................... 90Private and public...

4138 days ago