Results for "Competencies"

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Documents & References for the COM ICT | domain e- EDUCATION (2002-2011)

...WCC’2010 in September at Brisbane Key Competencies in the Knowledge Society http...laquo;teacher» for tomorrow: key competencies) From Beat Doebli documentat...rking for Education, octobre 2004 N° 4 Competencies Referential(s), septembre 200...

3009 days ago


Technologies for Education UNESCO-IITE 1997-1994

................. 44 Plenary Session II: Emerging Technologies and ICT Competencies of Teachers DSuiapnpaoLrtianugrilTlaeradcher Development of Competencies in the Use of Learning Techn...

923 days ago

6mai2021-Future Skills competencies-FSC event invitation- Scaling Up Skills Development /  Invitation à un événement du CCF- Intensifier le Développement des Compétences

[pdf-embedder url="à-un-év...

1201 days ago