Results for "debate."

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What is enterprise architecture? - Stephen Ibaraki

" A new landmark paper from the Federation of Enterprise Architecture Professional Organizations (FEAPO) has found that more than 80 per cent  of organizatio...

3933 days ago

Professionalism: Growing or in a downward spiral? by Stephen Ibaraki

" Professionalism is controversial but primarily only in ICT. Why? Medicine, Law, Accounting we accept it and it is codified. For Information Communication Technolo...

3939 days ago


Engineering the Knowledge Society (EKS), Geneva Dec. 2003 - Information technology supporting human development

  Engineering the Knowledge Society (EKS), Geneva Dec. 2003 - Information technology supporting human development   Information Technology (or Information...

947 days ago

Technology and Ethics in Education By Matthew Lynch February 22, 2019

Technology and Ethics in Education By Matthew Lynch February 22, 2019 0 Education and technology are in a new and often exhilarating partnersh...

2018 days ago