Results for "2000-EUROPE-An Information Society For All-progress report-Lisbon - 23/24 March 2000 EU-projects strategy innovation Knowledge"


La définition et la sélection des compétences clés OCDE

Definition and selection of competences (DeSeCo): theoretical and conceptual foundations: strategy paper APPRENANTE voir aussi Forum mondial sur l'éducation (avril 2000) - Bilan à l'an 2000 et EDUCATION FOR ALL 2000-2015: achievements a...

956 days ago

# REIMAGINATION'2016 - Australian Computer Society (ACS) - 1st of December 2016

...tor Dominello MP Minister for Innovation and Better Regulation –...dustrial Relations; Commerce; Information Communications Technology; excellence in service transformation for the digital consumer (Corp...Victor Dominello MP: Minister for Innovation and Better Regulation - New S...

2821 days ago


2000-EUROPE-An Information Society For All-progress report-Lisbon - 23/24 March 2000

[pdf-embedder url="" title="2000-EUROPE-An Information Society For All-progress report-Lisbon - 23:24 March 2000-202007061...

Tags: 2000-EUROPE-An Information Society For All-progress report-Lisbon - 23/24 March 2000 EU-projects strategy innovation Knowledge

1494 days ago