Results for "JRC IPTS EU digital-territories mobility privacy data-protection"


D1gital Territ0ries Towards the protection of public and private space in a digital and Ambient Intelligence environment Executive Summary Barbara Daskala and Ioannis Maghiros - JRC

" It seems that a whole new world is out there, a virtual or a ‘digital’ one, the Net, runningalmost in parallel to our normal physical world. The new world does not require ourphysical presence; individuals assume various different ‘digital’ identities, their ‘digit...

Tags: JRC IPTS EU digital-territories mobility privacy data-protection

4097 days ago

D1gital Territ0ries Towards the protection of public and private space in a digital and Ambient Intelligence environment Authors: Barbara Daskala and Ioannis Maghiros - JRC

" Technology influences positively the way we live, work and enjoy ourselves. It addresses emergingmobility requirements and information needs; however, at the same time, technology poses many risks alreadyidentified or new, that will have to be dealt with. Balancing security and privacy issues ...

Tags: JRC IPTS EU digital-territories mobility privacy data-protection

4097 days ago