Results for "Lifelong-learning digital native Net Generation digital-education TED"


the theory and rhetoric of the learning society - Mark K. Smith

" The idea of the learning society has featured strongly in recent pronouncements around adult and lifelong learning. But what actually is the learning society? How have notions of the learning society developed. We the theory and rhetoric of the learning society and provide an introductory g...

Tags: teacher education, new roles of the teacher, digital pedagogy, learning 2.0, lifelong-learning digital native net generation digital-education ted

4143 days ago

Faire entrer l'Ecole dans l'ère du numérique - Une ambition pour la refondation de l'Ecole

" Faire entrer l’École dans l’ère du numérique : un impératif pédagogique et un projet de société Le numérique au service des missions de l’École Le numérique peut aider l’École dans l’acc...

Tags: Teacher education, new roles of the teacher, LIVRE.gpy, digital pedagogy, learning 2.0, Lifelong-learning digital native Net Generation digital-education TED

1516 days ago