Results for "R. Morel"


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En route pour 2014 (extraits d'un mail de THOT)

...u pour vous désabonner, utilisez les liens personnalisés au bas de cet envoi.     This email was sent to why did I get this?...

3821 days ago

MIREIA – paving the road from eInclusion to social innovation in Europe - MIREIA 3rd Experts’ and Stakeholders Consultation Workshop

Raymond Morel just now   The MIREIA (Measuring the Impact ofeInclusion actors in the European Union)project was presented on 28-29 May 2013at the SPARK2013...

3899 days ago


Dec-2021-CAMPUS-147-La force quantique-pages 18-45

Dec-2021-CAMPUS-147-La force quantique-pages 18-45 Nicolas Gisin Raymond Morel 15 minutes ago [pdf-embedder url="

887 days ago


Themenplattform e-Switzerland (description 18th of September 2012)

...ux depuis la création en 2002 de la Commission ICT qui précéda la TPF e-Switzerland. Leiter der ThemenplattformRaymond Morelraymond.morel(at) Mitglieder der Th...

3905 days ago

Top-level pages

Activities related to Theme 6

...cycling3. Extrait de la vidéo Déchets toxiques, mortel héritage  - TEMPS PRESENT  (20 septembre 2012)  Raymond MorelAutres référence...

3827 days ago

Some information on FuturICT

FuturICT : one of the 6 flagships for the FET (Future Emerging Technologies) March 29, 2012 by Raymond Morel  some new developments of the proposal are a...

4168 days ago


Contribution pour la création d'un centre européen de transfert de Connaissance - E. Barchechath, A. Boder, Ch. Gardiol, X. Comtesse, P. Lévy, R. Lewis, R. Morel et S. Pouts-Lajus

  It is amazing to follow the evolution of ideas one quater of centuary later with for example FururICT

Tags: Centre Open Learning JITOL NeuropLab START-UP LIVRE.gpy Archamps 1990 1991 Assal E. Barchechath, A. Boder, Ch. Gardiol, X. Comtesse, P. Lévy, R. Lewis, R. Morel, S. Pouts-Lajus OTE EU

1675 days ago


Comment on "WEF_GlobalRisks_Report_2012.pdf"

Case 3: The Dark Side of ConnectivityThe impacts of crime, terrorism and war in the virtual world have yetto equal that of the physical world, but there is fear that...

4425 days ago