Results for "crisis world complexity challenges future LIVRE.gpy reingeeniring-the society InternatActu Morel decision-absurde Complex networks and epidemic spreading - Crisis observatories and decision-support systems - Dynamics of conflict - Economic and financial crisis - FuturICT - Philip Ball - Social simulation and social complexity FuturICT Dirk-Helbing Complexity - Economics - Information Systems and Applications - Social Sciences Society: a Complex Problem.- On the Road: Predicting traffic.- Every Move You Make: Patterns of crowd movement.- Making Your Mind Up: Norms and decisions.- Broken Windows: The spread and control of crime.- The Social Web: Networks and their failures.- Spreading It Around: Mobility"


Why Society is a Complex Matter ? Meeting Twenty-first Century Challenges with a New Kind of Science - Philip Ball - Dirk Helbing

...ities: Urban development as a complex system.- The Transformation of War: Modelling modern conflict.- Towards a Living Earth Simulator: The FuturICT Project

2987 days ago