Results for "environment"

Bookmarked items

Digital Living & Identity The digitisation of the life and mainly of an individual´s identity the forecasted but not yet deployed Ambient Intelligence (AmI) environment. More ......on of public and private space in a digital and Ambient Intelligence environment. EUR 22765 EN. May 2007....

3926 days ago

Digital Living & Identity The digitisation of the life and mainly of an individual´s identity

...y in the forecasted but not yet deployed Ambient Intelligence (AmI) environment. More ......on of public and private space in a digital and Ambient Intelligence environment. EUR 22765 EN. May 2007....

3926 days ago


KIDIMAKE-Project KDMK-EN-27022022

...teaching as well as imagining and implementing new techno-pedagogicalenvironments.KIDIMAKE Project (KDMK)Kidim...ticipate. It is essential to help childrenmaster their technological environment so that they can act on it an...

877 days ago

Technologies for Education UNESCO-IITE 1997-1994

...vkelopment of the Information and Education Environment in the Republic of Belarus.....ErlIennfaorAmrtaytikobanyaenvad Educational Environment in the Republic of Kazakhsta...ents    5   Education Environment for Persons with Disabilities...

883 days ago

Top-level pages

Activities related to Theme 6

...sp; Dr Alex Wissner-Gross a physicist from Harvard University writes for The Sunday Times " Even simple online activities take a toll on the environment. Google does not divulge its...

3854 days ago

Social-IN3 Workshop on Some new innovative approaches of the patent problematics (21st of Nov. 2012)

Full flyer ==> Programme : 9h15 Welcome coffee 9h45 Introduction of the Study Day (Sta...

4109 days ago


Éric GEORGE Quelles perspectives critiques pour aborder les TIC ?

Référence électroniqueÉric GEORGE, « Quelles perspectives critiques pour aborder les TIC ? », tic&société [En ligne], Vol. 8, N° 1-2 | 1er semestre 2014 et 2ème semestre 2014, mis en ligne le 31 mai 2014, Consulté le 02 j...

Tags: ICT, critique, epistemology, technical system, political economy, temporality, environment

3529 days ago

HORIZON 2020 WORK PROGRAMME 2014 – 2015 12. Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials

Table of contentsIntroduction…………………………………………………………………………………… 4Call &ndas...

Tags: HORIZON 2020 WORK PROGRAMME 2014 – 2015 12. Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials LIVRE.gpy

3530 days ago