Results for "free-software"


COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, THE COUNCIL, THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMITTEE AND THE COMMITTEE OF THE REGIONS A Digital Agenda for Europe, WDSA (World Digital Solidarity Agency), BAKOM-OFCOM, Citation, Quotation, Charters, Trust, Green-IT, MITIC, FING, UNESCO, Opensource, Free-Software, Copyright, Copyleft, Creativ...

4835 days ago

GREEN PAPER From Challenges to Opportunities: Towards a Common Strategic Framework for EU Research and Innovation funding, WDSA (World Digital Solidarity Agency), BAKOM-OFCOM, Citation, Quotation, Charters, Trust, Green-IT, MITIC, FING, UNESCO, Opensource, Free-Software, Copyright, Copyleft, Creativ...

4835 days ago

COMMUNICATION DE LA COMMISSION AU PARLEMENT EUROPÉEN, AU CONSEIL, AU COMITÉ ÉCONOMIQUE ET SOCIAL EUROPÉEN ET AU COMITÉ DES RÉGIONS Une stratégie numérique pour l'Europe, WDSA (World Digital Solidarity Agency), BAKOM-OFCOM, Citation, Quotation, Charters, Trust, Green-IT, MITIC, FING, UNESCO, Opensource, Free-Software, Copyright, Copyleft, Creativ...

4835 days ago

Mythes et Légendes des TIC

Premier rapport il y a 3645 jours !! Ce livre collectif de forum ATENA propose une approche originale pour expliquerdifférentes facettes des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication (TIC).En soulignant les croyances largement partagées mais fausses, ce livre s’adr..., WDSA (World Digital Solidarity Agency), BAKOM-OFCOM, Citation, Quotation, Charters, Trust, Green-IT, MITIC, FING, UNESCO, Opensource, Free-Software, Copyright, Copyleft, Creativ...

1207 days ago

Quelle école pour la génération numérique ?

Bernard Cornu a présenté au SFEM'2010 dans le cadre de la Worlddidac une première réflexion sur cette problématique organisée comme suit : <!--StartFragment--> La "génération numérique" Les savoirs pour la "gé...

...igital-Resources, Learning-Divide, Digital-Divide, Digital-Literacy, Project, Paradigm-Shift, Power-Shift, Charters, Trust, MITIC, Opensource, Free-Software, Copyright, Copyleft, Creativ...

1354 days ago

Ethical Issues of Emerging ICT Applications Newsletter March 2011

Introduction - The ETICA ProjectThe ETICA project was launched in April 2009 with the aim of identifying emerging technologies likely to be realized in the next 10 – 15 years. Along with the identification of the technologies, a second aim was to understand the ethical issues that would pot...

...igital-Resources, Learning-Divide, Digital-Divide, Digital-Literacy, Project, Paradigm-Shift, Power-Shift, Charters, Trust, MITIC, Opensource, Free-Software, Copyright, Copyleft, Creativ...

4853 days ago


Mapping the moral future of ICTs Novel technologies present us with great opportunities and allows us todo many things in a more efficient, timely and convenient manner. Atthe same time, they present us with tough and challenging questionswhen we consider some of the ethical implications associa...

...igital-Resources, Learning-Divide, Digital-Divide, Digital-Literacy, Project, Paradigm-Shift, Power-Shift, Charters, Trust, MITIC, Opensource, Free-Software, Copyright, Copyleft, Creativ...

4853 days ago

L'Agenda numérique 2020: La Suisse de retour dans le peloton de tête ICT

Vers une société numérique en Suisse ==> l'agenda numérique 20201 L’importance des TIC pour la Suisse2 Objectifs de l’Agenda numérique 2020 3 TIC et formation 4 Énergie, transport et environnement 5 La cybersanté pour un systè..., WDSA (World Digital Solidarity Agency), BAKOM-OFCOM, Citation, Quotation, Charters, Trust, Green-IT, MITIC, FING, UNESCO, Opensource, Free-Software, Copyright, Copyleft, Creativ...

4872 days ago

ICTswitzerland und economiesuisse: digitale Agenda 2020 auf dem Weg an die Weltspitze

enfin une proposition d'agenda numérique 2020 pour la Suisse A comparer avec COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, THE COUNCIL, THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AND SOCIALCOMMITTEE AND THE COMMITTEE OF THE REGIONSA Digital Agenda for Europe 19.05.2010, WDSA (World Digital Solidarity Agency), BAKOM-OFCOM, Citation, Quotation, Charters, Trust, Green-IT, MITIC, FING, UNESCO, Opensource, Free-Software, Copyright, Copyleft, Creativ...

4872 days ago

Digitale Agenda 2020: Die Schweiz zurück an die digitale Weltspitze

ICTswitzerland et economiesuisse annoncent un agenda digital 2020 pour la Suisse, WDSA (World Digital Solidarity Agency), BAKOM-OFCOM, Citation, Quotation, Charters, Trust, Green-IT, MITIC, FING, UNESCO, Opensource, Free-Software, Copyright, Copyleft, Creativ...

4872 days ago