Results for "Digital-Migrant"

Bookmarked items

ICT for Employment and Employability

ICT for Employment and Employability Previous research on how Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) can support socio-economic inclusion processes...

3926 days ago

ICT for Employment and Employability

ICT for Employment and Employability Previous research on how Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) can support socio-economic inclusion processes for...

3926 days ago

Inclusion & Cultural Diversity The potential of ICT for the socio-economic inclusion of groups at risk of social exclusion and poverty

Inclusion & Cultural Diversity   The potential of ICT for the socio-economic inclusion of groups at risk of social exclusion and poverty   The Eur...

3926 days ago

Inclusion & Cultural Diversity The potential of ICT for the socio-economic inclusion of groups at risk of social exclusion and poverty

Inclusion & Cultural Diversity   The potential of ICT for the socio-economic inclusion of groups at risk of social exclusion and poverty   The Europ...

3926 days ago

eGovernance The potential of ICT for better governance

eGovernance The potential of ICT for better governance The multiple dimensions of governance - the structures, roles and relationships governing how society f...

3926 days ago

eGovernance .The potential of ICT for better governance

eGovernance The potential of ICT for better governance The multiple dimensions of governance - the structures, roles and relationships governing how society funct...

3926 days ago

ICT Industry Analysis - Mapping and analysis of the dynamics of ICT R&D

ICT Industry Analysis Direct links to on-going projects in this IS Policy Area COMPLETE | PREDICT | Patents | EIPE | INDPOL | MCI Mapping and analysis of the dynami...

3926 days ago

ICT Industry Analysis

ICT Industry Analysis Direct links to on-going projects in this IS Policy Area COMPLETE | PREDICT | Patents | EIPE | INDPOL | MCI Mapping and analysis of the dynamics...

3926 days ago

Digital Economy - The Digital Economy Research Programme

  Digital Economy   The Digital Economy Research Programme The shift from analogue to digital information technology led to a rapid decli...

3926 days ago

Digital Economy - The Digital Economy Research Programme

Digital Economy   The Digital Economy Research Programme The shift from analogue to digital information technology led to a rapid decline in compu...

3926 days ago