Results for "digital research"

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International Computer and Information Literacy Study (ICILS)

...a brief overview of the study's research questions and timeline. &nb...racy, expertise of teachers, and digital technology resources in schoo...e first meeting of the national research coordinators in Amsterdam. Fr...stralian Council for Educational Research (ACER) serves as the interna...

4224 days ago

Documents & References for the COM ICT | domain e- EDUCATION (2002-2011)

...rmelles Lernen im Alltag: Wie Digital Natives lernen http://www.ict-...overnment, education, policy, research and industry Synopsis Europe&...ed by European Schoolnet and DIGITALEUROPE as part of the Digital Immigrants  http://beat....

2969 days ago

Documents & References for the COM ICT | domain General (2002-2011)

..._type=TAG%22 The JRC : Joint Research Center of EU http://www.ict-2...ünchenwiler workshop on Digital Identity - Trust and Confidenc...and Support Actions in FP7 Euresearch services— Meeting of th...ation, Life long Learning and Digital Inclusion »  ...

4517 days ago

Documents & References for the COM ICT | domain e-SOCIETY (2002-2011)

...itzerland und economiesuisse: digitale Agenda 2020 auf dem Weg an d...ary 2011 at Brussels on the research subject of SMART 2009/0061 wh...en 2010 - Que se passe-t-il ? Digital economy rankings 2010 Beyond 20-21 of May 2010 : «Digital Identity, Trust & Confiden...

4517 days ago