Results for "iFIP-WG-3.1and3.5workshop-Exploring Evaluation - the learner"


Answer to Vladimir Tikhomirov-MOOC-2013 - MESI

  ELEMENTS of answering the demand of Vladimir Tikhomirov, Acade...l Individual member of SATW (the Swiss Academy of engineering sciences) Member of the SATW Advisory board Chairman...ation. I’ve spoken with learners from different parts of the...

1701 days ago

Notre défi permanent : faire cohabiter des réseaux et des arbres ou comment essayer de piloter les innovations pédagogiques impliquant les TIC- Raymond MOREL, Directeur à Genève du CPTIC (Centre Pédagogique des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication) - Namur (16 octobre 2001)

Plan de l’intervention du 16 octobre 2001 à Namur &...sp;    Provide the environment in which innovations can...    Teacher vs Learner     ...N-conference 2000 Learning in the new millénium - Building n...

1649 days ago

From Celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the IFIP TC3 to … sustainable education

Summary and context With the presentation[1] by Raymond Morel, Swiss...vatism to continue empowering the primacy of teaching in front of learning (the learner knows nothing) with its u...e from a wrong paradigm (each learner is stupid) to an other wrong...

3236 days ago

Computers and Education – a landscape Deryn Watson Emeritus Professor of Information Technologies and Education Department of Education and Professional Studies King’s College London London SE1 9NN, UK

Abstract This history of Technical Committee 3 is an exploration of the shiftinglandscape of the relationship between computers and e...cognitive scaffolds,engaging learners in critical thinking. Active...[31] notedby Cornu [21] that the role of pedagogy is a third criti...

1627 days ago