Results for "Digital Humanities"


Hélène BOURDELOIE tic&société – 7 (2), 2013 7 Ce que le numérique fait aux sciences humaines et sociales. Epistémologie, méthodes et outils en questions

...terrain, Big Data.Abstract : The Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS)...nd tools used... However, in the digital area, stakes have changed and.... The potential opportunities of digital HSS does not preclude theneed fo...nherentvalues.Keywords : Digital Humanities, Digital, Humanities and soci...

3528 days ago

Computers and Education – a landscape Deryn Watson Emeritus Professor of Information Technologies and Education Department of Education and Professional Studies King’s College London London SE1 9NN, UK

...ental steps forgeography, the humanities and languages became appar...this river, or overcoming the digital divide, became a cause ofsubs...Life Long Learning (2005) and DigitalLiteracy (2008). Both are devi...2008 discussions focussed on digital divides and cultutal understandi...

1648 days ago

Societal Challenges: compilation of all inputs for ICT

...ildings and maintenance is also supported by digital tools. However data doesn't...nd history necessarily rely more and more on digital expressions of culture and id...would present a major step forward in digital humanities and social sciences. Societ...

3925 days ago

Societal Challenges: compilation of all inputs for ICT

...uildings and maintenance is also supported by digital tools. However data doesn't f...and history necessarily rely more and more on digital expressions of culture and id...would present a major step forward in digital humanities and social sciences. Societa...

3542 days ago