Results for "1995 - 4"


JITOL, Just in Time Open Learning - 1992-1994

...nt d'apprentissage en réseau. Informatique et santé, n°17, pp. 40-44. * Rapport final de fin de contrat JITOL, OFES, janvier 1995. * NEUROPE LAB (Archamps, Fr...

3149 days ago

Se distraire à en mourir de Neil Postman avec une préface de Michel Rocard

...- first published in 1992 Borrow The end of education 3 editions - first published in 1995 Borrow The s...

3150 days ago

EDUCATION FOR ALL 2000-2015: achievements and challenges

...ational Women’s Day celebrations, with six eminent panellists discussing progress made since the World Conference on Women held in Beijing in 1995, and the challenges that rema...

3223 days ago

Operation "Success Stories" - (avril-1994)

      The English version from 1995 is at   G M T...

2158 days ago

Operation "Success Stories version 2.0" (1995)

From the old time with the tools of 20 yeas ago   Why not to do something similar nowadays to promote good practice with the tools of today and the pedagogica...

2472 days ago

Computers and Education – a landscape Deryn Watson Emeritus Professor of Information Technologies and Education Department of Education and Professional Studies King’s College London London SE1 9NN, UK

...– 1990-2005In the1990s, two further world conferences, the fifth and sixth WCCEs were held in Sydney,Australia in 1990, and Birmingham, UK in 1995. WG 3.7 on Information Techno...

1647 days ago

Le commencement d'un monde - Vers une modernité métisse - Jean-Claude GUILLEBAUD

...ête sur le désarroi contemporain », engagée en 1995 et plusieurs fois couronn&eac...enquête sur le désarroi contemporain ", commencée en 1995 avec La Trahison des Lumi&egr...

1700 days ago

Quelle protection européenne pour les données personnelles ? Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin

...ction des données à caractère personnel, qui refond l’ensemble du cadre juridique européenissu de la directive de 1995. Si ce projet comporte de nom...

4264 days ago