Results for "role de l'enseignant"


Creative Learning and Innovative Teaching Final Report on the Study on Creativity and Innovation in Education in the EU Member States EUR 24675 EN - 2010 Authors: Romina Cachia, Anusca Ferrari, Kirsti Ala-Mutka and Yves Punie - JRC

  EU policies call for the strengthening of Europe's inn...Member States as regards the role of creativity andinnovation i...l; A literature review on the role of creativity and innovation...ocietythrough reinforcing the role of education andtraining in t...s. Technologies playa crucial role in lear...

2300 days ago

Active Ageing and the Potential of ICT for Learning Kirsti Ala-Mutka, Norbert Malanowski, Yves Punie, Marcelino Cabrera - JRC

" Executive summaryLearning plays a key role in ageing societies as it can help...e playing an increasingly important role.In scientific and policy disc...arn from them.ICT have an important role to play in developing learnin......................................7Role of lear...

4096 days ago

ICT for Learning, Innovation and Creativity - Authors: Kirsti Ala-Mutka, Yves Punie and Christine Redecker - JRC

" MAIN MESSAGENew technologies, and especially social computing, provide new opportunities for education and and ICT for learning depend on the learning approach used, emphasizing the role and the...

4096 days ago

Mapping eInclusion intermediaries in Barcelona Final Report of Case Study Analysis - JRC

"                   &...tional type and target .............. 29Table 7 e-Inclusion Intermediaries by role...........

4096 days ago

Mapping eInclusion intermediaries in Zemgale (Latvia) Final Report of Case Study Analysis - JRC

" TABLE OF CONTENTS0. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...............................................rainings and consultations, awareness rising about role of ICT and e-Skills.An electr...0 686 inhabitants. The libraries actually play the role of tele...

4096 days ago

Mapping eInclusion intermediaries in Sunderland, UK D4. Final Report: Characterisation of eInclusion Intermediaries in Sunderland

" Table of Contents0. Executive Summary ...........................................................................nd its partners in the voluntary and community sector have played animportant role in the...

4096 days ago

Pedagogical Innovation in New Learning Communities An In-depth Study of Twelve Online Learning Communities Authors: Stefania Aceto, Claudio Dondi, and Paola Marzotto Editors: Kirsti Ala-Mutka and Anusca Ferrari - JRC

Pedagogical innovations in new ICT-facilitated learning communities   Starting date: June 2008 Duration...ntial learning, critical thinking and creativity); Investigate the specific role and con...

3149 days ago

THE IMPACT OF ICT ON SOCIAL COHESION: LOOKING BEYOND THE DIGITAL DIVIDE Tobias Hüsing, Empirica Gesellschaft für Kommunikationsund Technologieforschung mbH, Bonn, Germany - JRC

" In order to understand the socio-economic impact of ICT in the New European MemberS...economic use of ICT.2. Growing social divides: the role of ICT in the social/digital...cond challenge: thesocial/digital mismatch and the role of ICT....

4096 days ago

Under the Radar: The Contribution of Civil Society and Third Sector Organisations to eInclusion Author: Alexandra Haché Editor: Clara Centeno - JRC

" EU eInclusion policy goals reinforced in the flagship initiative ‘A Digital...policy options to support and further develop the role that this sector plays in ach............................. 221.1.3 Typology of TSO roles for so...

4096 days ago

Changing Modes of Asset Management: IPR and Copyright in the Digital Age - Author: Jean Paul Simon - JRC

" The first chapter of the report briefly sums up the main elements of the academic d...ustries, level of revenues generated for creators, role in business models (old and n........................................... 232.5 The role of copy...

4096 days ago