Results for "data"


1/20-SATW - Technoscope - BIG DATA, le traitement de tes données

  [pdf-embedder url="ées20200220150427286.pdf" title="1:20-SATW - Technoscope - BIG DATA, le traitement de tes données20200220150427286"]  

1588 days ago

La magie du mouvement – KIDIMAKE - 1er et 22 février 2020

Accueil A propos Evènements LIVE ! Partenaires Contact La magie du mouv...

1597 days ago

AI NOW - A research institute examining the social implications of artificial intelligence

...k the component parts of an AI system and the full supply chain on which it relies: that means accounting for the origins and use of training data, test data, models, application program...

1599 days ago

2019-How to Develop a Training Data Strategy for Machine Learning-Appen-Training-Data-Strategy-White-Paper

[pdf-embedder url="" titl...

1632 days ago

nov-2019-Le data est le pétrole du XXIe siècle. Il faut s'en emparer  

1633 days ago

Scientific American-12-2019-Top 10 Emerging Technologies of 2019

...from otherwise useless plant wastes; DNA-based data-storage systems that will rel...and operation.) 9 Medical & Biotech : DNA Data Storage Is Closer Than You Th...more than a century, if that. Further, running data centers takes huge amounts of...

1655 days ago

La troisième édition de Facebook, Twitter et les autres… (Christine Balagué, David Fayon) chez Pearson

...ave;re de nouveaux réflexes et usages et a pour corollaire de nouveaux outils, tels des agrégateurs et des outils exploitant le big data à des fins statistiqu...

1673 days ago

Richard STALLMAN -La sécurité sans la surveillance (2013-2018)

..., elles spécifient qu’en utilisant leurs services, nous acceptons qu’elles le fassent. Or, elles ne devraient recueillir que les data complètement indispens...

1700 days ago

Answer to Vladimir Tikhomirov-MOOC-2013 - MESI

...s in a number of interactive plots, and we go on to publicly release the data and the code to generate time not of the MOOCs (only artefacts these plateforms, servers, big data centers, softwares, etc&helli...

1701 days ago

What is Web 3.0 and How Might it Affect Education?

...of the Internet and Web applications. Technology entrepreneur, Nova Spivack defines Web 3.0 as “connective intelligence; connecting data, concepts, applications and u...

1704 days ago