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Open Geneva Hackathons Human Digital Rights & Responsibilities Droits et Responsabilités Humains dans le monde Numérique

où ? G4 - Living Lab - Battelle CUI Plan d'accèsVendredi 12 mai et Samedi 13 mai 2017A propos Ce hackathon a pour objectif de travailler ensemble la questio...

2611 days ago

IFIP AI Expert Stephen Ibaraki Chairs United Nations AI Briefing

    IFIP AI Expert Stephen Ibaraki Chairs United Nations AI Briefing Stephen Ibaraki, Founding Chair of the IFIP Global Industry Council (GIC) and Vice C...

2612 days ago

IFIP AI Expert Stephen Ibaraki Chairs United Nations AI Briefing • • • IFIP AI Expert Stephen Ibaraki Chairs United Nations AI Briefing Stephen Ibaraki, Founding Chair...

IFIP AI Expert Stephen Ibaraki Chairs United Nations AI Briefing Stephen Ibaraki, Founding Chair of the IFIP Global Industry Council (GIC) and Vi...

2612 days ago

From Sustainable Development Goals SDGs, to unleashing 21st century Global Goals potentials - a mindset shift, a human centric approach, - in favor of the common greater good

HOW ? Let's mutualize efforts, federate resources, work as One from aligned meta to micro perspectives in order to reach together Nationally Determined Contributions NDCs,...

2599 days ago


ÉDUCATION AUX MÉDIAS ET À L’INFORMATION Médias, images et technologies numériques, pour apprendre, à l’école...

2699 days ago

WSIS Forum 2017: Open Consultation Process 2nd Physical Meeting on the Thematic Aspects and Innovations on the Format

  after 14 years of discussions we can read KNOWLEDGE  ..... and SocietieS. What a progress !!           &nbs...

2715 days ago

On 3rd of Frbruary 2017 at 2.00 pm : Workshop on Roadmap 2030: the ecological sequestration trust by Peter Head

      You should  look at Avant-LIN Forum N° 2 : Workshop on Roadmap 2030: the ecological sequestration...

2730 days ago

8 Awesome Reasons to Go Incognito in Google Chrome

    8 Awesome Reasons to Go Incognito in Google Chrome Jul 6, 2016 | Posted by Kasey Bell | edtech, educational technology, Free Resources for teachers, GAF...

2733 days ago

WITFOR’2016 Keynote Speakers

Erick Mata Erick Mata is currently Associate Professor at the School of Computer Science of the Costa Rica Institute of Technology (ITCR). He obtained his M.Sc. and...

2849 days ago

SB-91 Developing the skills for innovation

In Stan Lee’s Spiderman movie, Peter Parker’s uncle Ben is quoted as saying: “With great power comes great responsibility.” It’s a stateme...

2866 days ago