Results for "e-business"


Swiss Digital Summit 2018 at Zürich 27 of Septembre at ETHZ

  SWISS DIGITAL SUMMIT Auditorium Maximum der ETH Zurich 27. September 2018, 10:00 – 18:30   PROGRAM “Welcoming Speech” Reinhard R...

2124 days ago

Un bouquet de bonnes idées et de remarquables observations ...parAndré-Yves PORTNOFF

Un bouquet de bonnes idées et de remarquables observations  … par André-Yves Portnoff  A lire sans délai   Trois dé...

2206 days ago

OCCE.2018 - Linz - Empowering Learners for Lifein the Digital Age - 25th to 28th of June 2018 (Book of Abstracts) ICMS ifip conferencemanagement system logi...

2212 days ago

IFIP Insights 30th of June 2018 - News from IFIP members, Technical Committees and the ICT sector around the world

    IFIP Insights News from IFIP members, Technical Committees and the ICT sector around the world Par...

2212 days ago

Digital Health Connect 2018 Sierre, Suisse · June 2018 · 19 Talks Digital Health Connect 2018 Sierre, Suisse  ·  June 2018  · &...

2193 days ago

The 2nd edition of the AI for Good Global Summit will be organized by ITU in Geneva on 15-17 May 2018 - programme ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​AI for Good Global Summit Geneva, Switzerland, 15-17 May 2018 Contact: ai@itu.intWatch the event...

2253 days ago

The 2nd edition of the AI for Good Global Summit will be organized by ITU in Geneva on 15-17 May 2018

  Committed to connecting the world ITU General Secretariat Radiocommunication Standardization About ITU-...

2280 days ago