Results for "role de l'enseignant"


Internet, le multimedia - quels changements à l'école ? 26 mai 1999

  Réflexions sur les technologies éducatives et les évolutions des usages...passive recipients of instruction) ; and (e) become aware of their own role in the...

1514 days ago

TSER Domaine II.2 Education, formation et nouvelles technologies - Projet de recherche EURISTIC (EURopéenne sur l'Interaction et lacognition dans les Stratégies éducatives de mise en oeuvre des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication

  learning + networked society + dossiers + extra...e also asked to indicate what role ICT could play in assisting...anisation and teachers’ roles to enable schools to respon...tting greater emphasis of the role of self-evaluation as a key...onal environment in terms of roles, conte...

2016 days ago


UNESCO - IFIP WORLD COMPUTER CONGRESS 2002 YOUTH DECLARATION mercredi 10 dé...n the global information society, and IFIP’s role in analysing and shaping futu...ociety ; Considering that, beyond their role in econ...

2019 days ago


THEME 1 INTERNET ACCESS FOR ALL1.1 The impact of access on development and social justice Affordable,fast and ea...and internationalorganisations. No single government should have a pre-eminentrole in rela...

2035 days ago

Report of IFIP Strategy meeting held at the Goodenough Club, London - 10-11DEC2005

IFIP Strategy Plan: Preparing a Draft IFIP Strategy Plan for discussions and acceptance in GA-2006 The Presiden...d potential adaptations. Among the questions to be discussed will also be the role of the...

2036 days ago

Brief answers to the big questions by Stephen Hawkins-2018

      Best Seller     ABOUT BRIEF ANSWERS TO THE BIG QUESTIONS...niverse’s greatest mysteries but also believed science plays a critical role in fixi...

2037 days ago

IFIP Insights News from IFIP members, Technical Committees and the ICT sector around the world - By IFIP Friday, Aug. 31, 2018

        IFIP Insights News from IFIP members, Technical Com...o sessions at the upcoming World Computer Congress (WCC2018) to discuss the role and app...

2152 days ago

ENoLL-2018 - Manifesto for innovation in Europe

  Manifesto for Innovation in Europe Room 15 (Level -1) August 24, 2018 9:3...contributions: 1) A vision of the transformative role of Innovation in the Europe talk and discuss with people who had a direct role in the...

2159 days ago

La définition et la sélection des compétences clés OCDE

Definition and selection of competences (DeSeCo): theoretical and conceptual foundati...research subject of SMART 2009/0061 which is the role and impact of scientific and...he-research-subject-of-smart-20090061-which-is-the-role-and-imp...

911 days ago

OCCE.2018 - Linz - Empowering Learners for Lifein the Digital Age - 25th to 28th of June 2018 (Book of...ased Group Formation - A Large-Scale Study on the Role of Skills and Personality in...aspects to be discussed. We will speak about the role and the...

2212 days ago