Results for "data"


Computers and Education – a landscape Deryn Watson Emeritus Professor of Information Technologies and Education Department of Education and Professional Studies King’s College London London SE1 9NN, UK

...vents, and this one reflects my analysis of the data andselection of issues. Some...e computers, that is, of the manual calculator. Data was encoded and input in punc...equally validComputer science, programming and data processing dominated the pape...

1648 days ago

Societal Challenges: compilation of all inputs for ICT

...based on analysis of behavioural data, functional capacity, frailty...Challenge 2 – FoodFood Chain Data StandardisationSpecific chal...o build a platform where all such data would be hosted – which...ters can process large amounts of data but are not yet very good at...

3925 days ago

Societal Challenges: compilation of all inputs for ICT

...e based on analysis of behavioural data, functional capacity, frailty...hallenge 2 – Food Food Chain Data StandardisationSpecific build a platform where all such data would be hosted – which...uters can process large amounts of data but are not yet very good at...

3542 days ago

Defining European ICT Poles of Excellence: A Literature Review Authors: Editors: Giuditta De Prato, Daniel Nepelski

...ould indicate the dynamics of a changing ICT-related economic geography in Europe. Both of those identification processes are based on quantitative data, built on a set of relevant c...

3542 days ago

ICT4EMPL: Literature Review on Employability, Inclusion and ICT Report 3: prepared by University of Warwick Institute for Employment Research

...eople, older people and migrants (de Hoyos et al., 2012**).- A review of data sets (Owen et al., 2012***).T...t the end of the document) can be used to add further initiatives to the data base.

3925 days ago

ICT4EMPL: Literature Review on Employability, Inclusion and ICT Report 4: Review of available data sets on employability and ICT

...age which is available from quantitative survey data sources. The list is not comprehensive. It is mainly based upon the data sources cited in Reports 1 with links to documentation and downloadable data. The key socio-economic and d...

3925 days ago

Innovation Good Practices across the EU: CARICT Project Summary Report Authors: Stephanie Carretero, James Stewart, Clara Centeno,Francesco Barbabella, Andrea Schmidt,Frédérique Lamontagne-Godwin, Giovanni Lamura

...dash;analysis of 12 of these initiatives to get data on their impacts, drivers, bu...inability of the health and social systems. The data also confirm that policy at E...port needed to develop and implementthem. These data would allow us to understand...

3926 days ago

Digital Music Consumption on the Internet: Evidence from Clickstream Data - Authors: Luis Aguiar, Bertin Martens

Abstract This paper analyses the behaviour of digital music consumers on the Internet. Using clickstream data on a panel of more than 16,000 European consumers, we estimate the eff...

3926 days ago

Declaration of Principles Building the Information Society: a global challenge in the new Millennium

...ased international cooperation. Within this global culture of cyber-security, it is important to enhance security and to ensure the protection of data and privacy, while enhancing...

3542 days ago


...h regard to ICT infrastructure and uptake o Get to know the top performers and most dynamic countries • The most comprehensive broadband price data set o Discover where mobile-b...

1041 days ago