Results for "data"


Congress on Privacy and Surveillance EPFL, 30 September 2013 Summary by Richard Hill

Introduction by President ad interim Philippe Gillet and Arjen Lenstra, Chairman Caspar Bowden, “FISA, PRISM, and Data Protection”       (one of...

3542 days ago

Big Data : A Revolution that will transform how we Live, Work, and Think by Viktor Mayer-Schönberger and Kenneth Cukier

Voilà un livre qui pose plus de questions qu'il n'amène de solutions Ne pas agir dès maintenant est de l'inconscience .....!        

3971 days ago

Does the Patent Cooperation Treaty work? A global analysis of patent applications by non-residents - JRC Report - Authors: Daniel Nepelski and Giuditta de Prato

...ions for all countries active as both a source of patents and a destination of applications filed between 1970 and 2009. The data used originates from the EPO Patstat database. Applying a gravity model...

3999 days ago

The Use of ICT for the Assessment of Key Competences - Christine Redecker - 2013 - JRC

..., understand mistakes and learn from them. There is some evidence of how data on student engagement in thes...ences. Learning Analytics involves the interpretation of a wide range of data produced by and gathered on b...

3542 days ago

1 EUROPEAN COMMISSION JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE Institute for Prospective Technological Studies Information Society Unit Digital Games for Empowerment and Inclusion (DGEI)...

...ort addresses the potential of digital games to support social inclusion and empowerment goals. It is based on a range of theoretical and empirical data, brought together for the fir...

4096 days ago

An Appropriate Model for the Estimation of Consumer Time Expenditure Patterns on the Internet Authors: Russel Cooper - JRC

...entation with the clickstream database. A natural model of Inter...eloped to fit neatly with the database as it currently exists. T...263. Linking the model to the database.............................or the realities of available data. A purposebuiltmodel needs to...

4096 days ago

Digital Music Consumption on the Internet: Evidence from Clickstream Data Authors: Luis Aguiar, Bertin Martens - JRC

...behaviour of digital music consumers on the Internet. Using clickstream data on a panel of more than 16,00...he behavior of digital music consumers on the Internet.Using clickstream data on a panel of more than 16,00...

4096 days ago

D1gital Territ0ries Towards the protection of public and private space in a digital and Ambient Intelligence environment Executive Summary Barbara Daskala and Ioannis Maghiros - JRC

...nd protection of our personal data.Extensive research and studie...and smart materials), renders data protectionand privacy issues...protect privacy and personal data in the digital world, while p...rsonal info-sphere, or better data-sphere, since it basically &l...

4097 days ago

D1gital Territ0ries Towards the protection of public and private space in a digital and Ambient Intelligence environment Authors: Barbara Daskala and Ioannis Maghiros - JRC

...rolthe amount and type of personal data they wanted to share, IPTS ha...on specific situations of personal data in a home environment,which i.................. 254.1. Privacy and data protection considerations in.............. 86Bubble, a contextual data filter .........................

4097 days ago