Results for "« Présentation »"


Innovation, and Data Analytics - Data analytics announcement by The Hon Victor Dominello MP, Minister for Innovation and Better Regulation

  Acknowledgement of dignitaries and acknowledgement of Country. A special thanks to UTS for hosting – the Data Arena is an incredible facility which I wil...

3116 days ago

21th Centuary Innovation PostedJanuary 29, 2007

    Here is a brief history of my trying to generate a list of remarkable technology challenges for the 21st century, to be presented to the National Acade...

3117 days ago

Seoul Accord : Where Are We Now? Presentation for WCC 2015 by Joe Turner Past Chair, Seoul Accord

                        Another important document from WCC'2015 to bri...

3118 days ago

SaITE 2016 : IFIP TC3 joint Conference " Stakeholders and Information Technology in Education " 6th to 8th July 2016, Guimaraes, Portugal NEW call for symposia

  SaITE 2016 : IFIP TC3 joint Conference " Stakeholders and Information Technology in Education " 6th to 8th July 2016, Guimaraes, Portugal  call for symposia...

2983 days ago

Preparing for the Software-Oriented Society by Jin Hyung KIM

                            With a sample of less than&nb...

3118 days ago

IFIP IP3 Global Industry Council Releases GIC 2020 Skills Assessment Report Media Release New Report Spells Out Skills and Knowledge Needed by ICT Professionals in 2020

Wednesday 30 September 2015 – A new report detailing the knowledge, skills and competencies that ICT professionals will need over the next five years has been releas...

3212 days ago

Feedbacks from WSIS Forum 2015 : How will act IFIP in the future to keep a role in the INFORMATION SOCIETY ?

After WSIS Forum 2015, we can observe that something is moving : the tendancy of working « in silos∗ » is beginning to be shifted to transversal activit...

1722 days ago